Author Archives: Dawn Leger

About Dawn Leger
I am a priest in the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, having served in Stouffville, Ontario. I think preaching is a profound and great privilege granted to us by God and our Church. I love the reading, the writing, the proclaiming, the dissecting and the dialogue. I also love to cook, sing, read and laugh, in no particular order.Building a preaching series-Hebrews and Job
In a soundbite culture, a preaching series gives the preacher the chance to delve more deeply into some of the theological foundations of our faith. Continue reading
Speechless when something needs to be said-September 6, 2015
Today’s post is really just a way to open up a space in The Community for preachers to process our response to the refugee crisis. Sometimes we just need to wait another week for good news.. Continue reading
Really? How much do you need?—John 6:24-35
Did you just buy a ticket for the circus? Oh wait. No, you didn’t. You didn’t buy anything. He just showed up and fed all 5,000 of your unprepared selves! Continue reading
Leaving on more than a rude gesture: Mark 6:1-13
How many of us have left a job, a project or, maybe, even a church as a cleric or a layperson and had the temptation to make a rude gesture as we walked out the door? By shaking our feet, we are leaving the dust/dirt/sand that belongs in that place there, taking as little of it with us as possible. Continue reading
Time for dinner! Mark 3:20-35
Jesus’s mother always knows that Jesus is the Messiah. Could it be that Jesus’s family is not jealous of the time he is spending with the crowds, but genuinely afraid for Him, his safety, maybe even His sanity? Continue reading
Acts 8.26-40 : do we have anything to share?
When did we give up on the idea that Christianity has something to offer to the society we live in? Do we believe the good news has anything to offer to the overstressed, the unjustly oppressed, the fragile marriage, the scared student? If we truly believed it, wouldn’t we share it? Continue reading
Branches and coats: Palm Sunday 2015
If you prepare the liturgy well, there is no need to preach, except to draw people’s focus to the liturgy. Continue reading
Into resurrection kicking and screaming
It is interesting that Jesus says quite openly that he will not only be arrested and killed, but that he will also rise again. And yet, Peter still tries to stop it. Continue reading
February 1, 2015: Don’t make me unfriend you
In these days of friending and unfriending and selective news gathering it is easy to shut out the voices of those with whom we disagree. But what if we are shutting out the Word of God, only because we do not like what we hear? Continue reading
November 2, 2014-All Saints’ Day: “Blessed” sinners and saints
With the daily rise and fall of personalities, I wonder if sainthood is something any of us truly want to claim for ourselves. Does any one of us want to be the holder of such a lofty title, from which it is so easy…and so far…to fall away? Continue reading