Author Archives: Kevin Dixon

About Kevin Dixon
Kevin Dixon is Dean at St. Paul's Cathedral in the Diocese of Huron. He has a passion for stewardship. For many years, while living in Vancouver, he chaired the Stewardship and Gift Development Committee for the Diocese of New Westminster. Now he is engaged in stewardship education in Huron, and having a lot of fun doing it. Kevin is also active through the Cristosal Foundation in human rights and community development work in El Salvador.What motivates people to give?
Take a moment to reflect on what motivates you to support the charities of your choice. And, put yourself in the shoes of potential donors to your parish or diocese: what does your church do to motivate them to give? Continue reading
Religiously active donors make contributions averaging $1,004
Clearly, people give to causes close to their hearts. But did you ever pause to consider that many secular organizations are eligible for funding that religious organizations cannot receive? Continue reading
The Lord’s Prayer and Stewardship
During Holy Week I enjoyed a little book called “Living Prayer” by Anthony Bloom, a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church until his death in 2003. His chapter on the Lord’s Prayer traces a path of ascent, beginning with the final words “Deliver us from evil” and culminating with “Our Father.” Continue reading