Author Archives: Liz Cullen

About Liz Cullen
Liz Cullen is a stewardship volunteer under Glen Mitchell, Director of Stewardship and Gift Development for the Diocese of New Westminster. Liz loves the work of stewardship and has been involved with it for years at her parish of St. Mary's Kerrisdale Anglican Church, in the Diocese as Stewardship Chair, and as a Stewardship Mentor helping parishes in the Diocese work on year round holistic stewardship.What Type of Church are We?
Welcoming newcomers means initiating relationships with people who will become members of our faith family. Our welcoming ministry begins with laying a good foundation to attract people but also encourage them to return as well as having them feel comfortable as they become a part of the family. Continue reading
We believe in God the Creator
This is an excerpt from a sermon given by Archbishop Douglas Hambidge on Trinity Sunday to a parish in the Diocese of New Westminster. I love it and have found it to be incredibly helpful in unpacking the mystery of the Trinity. Douglas is a stewardship mentor and inspiration to so many – I hope you will enjoy this as much as I do! Continue reading
Family, Money and Good Financial Habits
As parishes, we are responsible to nurture our children of God in as many ways as possible. Do you have a good Sunday School program that helps children understand the importance of sharing, saving and spending? Are you teaching the best practices of stewardship in your youth community? Continue reading
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also
If, as a parish, you share the journey; you share what has been entrusted; you accept your accountability, and you share the vision of what you believe God is calling you as a faith community to be and do – as Douglas Hambidge stated a few weeks ago in Glen Mitchell’s blog – then you need to start being intentional in your year round work of stewardship throughout your parish. Continue reading