Author Archives: Eileen Scully

About Eileen Scully
I'm serving the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada as Director of Faith, Worship, and Ministry and have a passion for how worship and learning form disciples for God's mission in the world, and how that mission shapes our common prayer.Pray without ceasing: The Daily Office
The Liturgy Task Force of Faith, Worship, and Ministry is working on revisions to our authorized liturgical texts. In this entry, Task Force member Richard Leggett provides some background on practices of daily prayer, and introduces a new resource for Morning and Evening Prayer Continue reading
One way of marking koinonia across space and time: The BAS Calendar of Holy Persons (an invitation to contribute)
As I look across the country, I see examples of how holy women and men are being remembered and celebrated. Who are the others? Continue reading
The worship in Faith, Worship, and Ministry
What in our present collection of authorized texts for eucharist and baptism is groaning at you for revision? Why is that? What’s lacking and why does it feel to you that there is lack?—and remember that other questions are going to follow soon! Continue reading