Author Archives: Mike Sinclair

About Mike Sinclair
Mike Sinclair lives in Regina, Saskatchewan, where he is a husband and a dad. He serves as Incumbent of St. Paul's Cathedral, Regina and as the Dean of the Diocese of Qu'Appelle.Who are you?
Identity is so very important. May we be aware of who we are as the beloveds of God. May we also be aware that if we give in to the temptation to doubt, question, fear, exclude, fight, or ignore any of the other beloved ones, we depart from the biggest call of our lives: To love God and to love our neighbours as ourselves. Continue reading
St. Peter and uncertainty
There is nothing benign about this. Love prevails. Continue reading
Posted in The Spirit of Now Tagged church, Dean, fear, feature, hope, Peter, politics, Sinclair, Trump, uncertainty, USA 5 Comments