Author Archives: Trevor Freeman

About Trevor Freeman
Trevor Freeman serves the parish of St. Mary’s East Kelowna and is the Executive Archdeacon for the Diocese of Kootenay. He still has days where he looks around and can’t quite believe how far God has brought him. During downtime he can be found with a good book, a properly strong cup of tea, at the gym, or playing golf badly. And if he’s honest, binge watching Netflix.Male privilege
Straight white men have it easier than other people. I don’t like it but it’s true. It’s hard for me to admit that my position and achievements in life may be facilitated by something other than my own merit. But that’s true too. Continue reading
The necessity of beauty
Suddenly, I can see how art is necessary for faith and life. Suddenly the art in our churches is about so much more than clever design. Suddenly it seems like making something beautiful is a very Christian thing to do. Continue reading
On economics, values, and the common good
As disciples of Jesus called to participate in God’s work of transformation in the world the state of our country is an important question for us. It’s important to ask whether our country is one of compassion, justice, mercy, and love. Continue reading
On power and politics and stepping off
Every single human being is involved in both power and politics. That means that all of us who live out our lives in the church are too and we can’t pretend to be exempt. The question for us is how followers of Jesus should practice power and politics. Continue reading