Parental Ponderings
Parenting can be overwhelming—being a deliberately Christian parent can be even more so. How do we raise our children to love God and neighbour in North American society? How do we shape them to live faithful, intentionally Christ-centred lives? This blog will explore the many struggles, joys, and challenges facing Christian parents today.
Osmosis (Summer Camp)
Perhaps it’s my reluctance to let go of summer but I’ve been thinking a lot about camp these days and how it has been an important part of our family’s life. Continue reading
Happy New Year!
September. The time of new beginnings, a new season, a new school year. While the calendar tells me that January 1 is when the new year officially begins, and the church year begins with Advent, I find that for all intents and purposes, it is September that feels more like a ‘new year’. Continue reading
Parental Ponderings
Parenting can be many things: joyful, hope-filled, frustrating—or as one of our new bloggers describes it, overwhelming. Continue reading