Caring for Creation
We are all part of God’s Creation. We are bound, as Christians, to care for Creation and be good stewards of the earth. This space will reflect upon contemporary environmental and climate challenges faced by our society. We will explore the Church’s role in environmental and climate work, and share the work being done by the General Synod Creation Matters Group and KAIROS Canada.
Topic Guide:
Cam Gray
I am a children and youth worker at the Church of the Advent in Victoria, BC and the General Synod representative to the KAIROS Sustainability Circle.
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Martha Tatarnic on The bishop ballotThanks for sharing this Lynn.
Lynn Uzans on The bishop ballotThank you Martha, As a person who was sought out by a search committee at a most inconvenient time, your…
Martha Tatarnic on The bishop ballotWow, thank you John for understanding so completely.
Martha Tatarnic on The bishop ballotThanks for such a kind and thoughtful response Lois.
John Bullivant on The bishop ballotFrom my spiritual and secular perspective, the announcement that our Rector. Rev. Canon Tatarnic is a candidate to become the…
Lois Marsh-Duggan on The bishop ballotThe very thought of losing you from St. George’s is so painful for me, Martha. You have so much still…
Linda Telega on The bishop ballotGod will walk you through this path Martha, I will be there to help in anyway I can. You have…
Kagimu Richard on A sidewalk birthGod was with you thanks for the help
Helen Wilkes Grist on A sidewalk birthWhat a stupid comment….what truly horrid things have happened in St. Catharines….do tell ????
Tracy Lynn on A sidewalk birthWhat an amazing story! ð