Children’s ministry | The Community
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Children’s Ministry

How can we shape learning experiences that will empower our children to explore the Christian Faith and make it their own? How can we show them that they are valued members of the church today? This forum will be a place for us to share the joys and challenges of Christian Education. Come and join us as we share ideas and resources, ask questions, and encourage each other in this vital ministry.

Topic Guide:
Kate Newman

Kate Newman has been teaching arts and faith to children in the secular school system and in churches for 20 years. She grew up Anglican and stayed Anglican. Currently, with a Masters in Education, Kate teaches theatre to children and teens while taking graduate studies in theology. She is the principal developer for the Compendium of the Church Mice. She is also a mother. She enjoys walks in the woods with her and a good nap.

Recent blog posts


June 12th, 2017

City children who know crosswalks, traffic lights and concrete may have a hard time understanding the reality of shepherding. How can we bridge our distance from biblical metaphor and allow visual concepts a place amid the symbols of their hearts?

Children’s art matters: palm branch watercolours

May 11th, 2017

Children’s paintings of palm branches teach us that we can respond to God with the resources that are near to us.

Why the children’s art matters

March 28th, 2017

If there is a place for experiential knowledge of the gospel, it is in the hands of a child with a paintbrush.

The first day of school, conversion and our old diner

September 9th, 2016

It is something to be able to witness change. There are moments in our lives, like the first day of school, when change is palpable. Change comes like the smell of cold in the fall air, the rain that stops just before you and your little one open the front door to go.

Teaching by relationship

September 1st, 2016

I was flabbergasted under the morning light spilling through the stain-glassed windows. Could I teach with a baby in my arms?

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