A few years ago, just after Christmas, some good friends came for a visit. Their daughters (both aged five) were very interested in our nativity set, which I had arranged in the traditional manner. All the figurines were looking out, so they were visible to the onlooker. After all that is the way you arrange crèche scenes right? A little while into the visit I heard soft chinking sounds as the scene was gently re-arranged. I came to investigate and discovered all the figures standing in a circle around the manger. The girls explained to me that they had moved the figures, so that everyone could look at the baby Jesus. It was a wonderful reminder that at Christmas our focus should be on the Christ Child in the manger; everything else is secondary. That day I was gifted with a deep insight from two young disciples, who helped me see things differently. That is not unusual. I have found that God often speaks to me through the voices and actions of children. I just have to be listening. What about you? What new insights and understandings have you gained from the children in your community?
Are you listening?

About Sharon Harding
I was born in England and immigrated to Canada almost 30 years ago. A graduate of Gloucestershire University (B.Ed.), I have been involved in children’s ministry since I was 16. Over the past 12 years I have written for a variety of Christian Education curriculum resources. I also write a blog at rediscoveredfamilies.com encouraging parents to build strong connections with their children. When I am not working I enjoy painting, reading, and pottering around the Internet. This entry was posted in Children's Ministry and tagged children, insights, listening. Bookmark the permalink.