Why I love the PWRDF | The Community
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Why I love the PWRDF

In my bio I’ve identified that I love the PWRDF.  So, as I’ve not yet blogged about the PWRDF, I figured a great time to do that would be the next two weeks.   I’m presuming that folks reading this KNOW that PWRDF is the Primate’s World Relief and Development Agency, the Anglican Church’s outreach arm.  If you don’t, I’ll recommend you check out the website for more details: www.pwrdf.org

So why do I love the PWRDF?  It’s a way for me to take my baptismal vows seriously.  It’s a way that the church is responding in love to the world, in a manner that reflects who we are as Christians and what we believe God is calling us to do.  But it’s more than that – it’s the people, the work, and the structure.  It’s knowing that every little bit can make a big difference.

Many people know of the PWRDF but they don’t necessarily know about the PWRDF.  A friend of mine refers to the PWRDF as “Anglican Do-Gooders,” but couldn’t go into any more detail.  I used to be one of those people – but as I started to learn more and more about this great ministry, the more I wanted to become involved.  And so now I try to support the PWRDF in any way that I can; it’s become personal to me, so much so that I consider serving the PWRDF as a volunteer to be the best piece of work that I’ve done in my life.  So yes, I’m biased – but with good reason.



Every call or visit to the PWRDF offices is met with a smile.  The folks who work there are profoundly dedicated to what they do, and some of them have been at the PWRDF for a long time.  These are people who are experts in their fields, who demonstrate a passion for the work that they do.  They regularly go above and beyond because to them, working for the PWRDF isn’t just a job, it’s their ministry.


There are lots of ways that people volunteer with and for the PWRDF.  Parish reps help to disseminate information to their congregations; Diocesan reps assist on a diocesan level.  There are people who plan and host workshops, fundraisers, regional meetings.  There are folks who are involved as guest speakers and preachers, folks who serve on committees, youth interns, and folks who make up the Board of Directors.  The volunteers are appreciated, celebrated, and abundant!  No one who wants to volunteer for the PWRDF is left without an option for their ministry.


The PWRDF does most of its relief and development work through partners; these are people who live within the context of the aid.  The Partners and staff collaborate to determine the most effective means of working for sustainable and grass-roots-inspired development possible.  The PWRDF can be proud that it does not dictate what Partners should be doing, but rather that it empowers and encourages partners in good works already underway.

I’ve been blessed to meet staff, volunteers, and partners of the work of PWRDF.  I’ve been amazed to witness how positive change is happening because people like you and I – Canadian Anglicans – want to make a difference.  At the base of it, the PWRDF is really about living out God’s mission in God’s world, celebrating all of God’s children as beloved.  The PWRDF has been (and continues to be) a wonderful community in my life and in the lives of countless others.

Next week I’ll chat a bit more about how the work and structure of the PWRDF makes these connections possible.

About Laura Marie Piotrowicz

I'm a high-energy priest, now serving in the Diocese of Niagara, catching glimpses of the kingdom in daily life. I consider church to be a verb, and I'm passionate about prayer, eco-theology, and social justice. I love travel, reading, canoeing, camping, gardening and cooking, playing with my dogs, and drinking good coffee. http://everydaychristianityblog.blogspot.ca
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