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Andrew Stephens-Rennie
Andrew loves pioneering responsive, contextual solutions to the challenge of being church in the 21st Century. He’s always thinking about something, and as a typical west-coast transplant, spends far too much time in Vancouver’s multitudinous coffee shops.
Judy Steers
Judy Steers is the Coordinator for Youth Initiatives for the Anglican Church of Canada. Since 1999, she has also been the program director of the “Ask & Imagine” youth theology and leadership program at Huron University College.
Laura Walton is part of the Youth Initiatives Team for the Anglican Church of Canada. She is the half time youth minister at All Saints’, Collingwood and has a private counselling practice in the area as well. As the mom of 2 teenagers, a Preacher’s Kid, and long time volunteer in the Diocese of Toronto Laura has worked in the field of youth and children’s ministry on the ground floor level for many years.
Recent comments
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Afra Tout Coeur on Introduction to Montreal intern reflectionsHey isn’t that Hope Bear from the Anglican Foundation of Canada? 😀
Kent Walton on Missing realityWell said! Like mother, like daughter! They make me proud!
Judy Walton on Missing realityMakes a mother proud. Well written and from the heart.
Kevin Leggat on Missing realityVery well written and very true. Help everyone. Not just some.
Laura Walton on Missing realityI love the way you think and write Andrew. The church can be so self-absorbed and we miss so many…
Lynne Ramsbottom on Missing realityYou are an earth angel Laura Walton!!! No one has a bigger heart than you. You go girl!