Scanning the options of Nativities made out of Food, Nativities made out of (un)natural materials, and Nativities Featuring Unusual Characters, I think we’ll go for the latter this week… Read on!
“And suddenly there was with the angel
a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying… Mahna Mahna (doo doo doo dodoo)”
“MammaMary!” (or comment with your own appropriate Mario quote)
Born in a barn, yes. Born to cowfolk? Also yes, apparently.
(“and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, ‘Yeeehaaaaw”)
Trolls. Naked little trolls.
Now, in this one it’s not so much the characters that are interesting, but that the characters are portraying scenes of their very own story on their clothing (in the days before ipods and facebook, i guess). The best part is the very politically correct “Seasons’ Greetings” above the scene. I guess someone figured it was easier to market this manger scene if it didn’t limit itself to saying “Merry Christmas” or anything specific like that .