Parenting can be many things: joyful, hope-filled, frustrating, and sometimes overwhelming.
As one who will be moving into the parenting vocation in the next few months, I already understand that. Being a faithful Christian isn’t easy; being a Christian parent even less so. So as my wife and I prepare to welcome a child into the world, we find ourselves reaching out to those who “get it”: parents who have been great examples for us, and those who share in the joys and sorrows of raising little disciples in 2013.
In that light, I’m excited to introduce Leanne Alstad Tiessen. Mother of two daughters, Leanne will be blogging and engaging readers in conversation about parenting in today’s church and world. In her own words,
Parenting can be overwhelming—being a deliberately Christian parent can be even more so. How do we raise our children to love God and neighbour in North American society? How do we shape them to live faithful, intentionally Christ-centred lives? This blog will explore the many struggles, joys, and challenges facing Christian parents today.
Are you a parent? Join us! If you’re a parent of school-aged kids, you’re probably busy getting them ready for classes—Leanne is doing the same. But in just a few weeks, she’ll be blogging here in The Community. Why not welcome her?
Your Online Community Coordinator,