Author Archives: David Burrows

About David Burrows
David Burrows is a priest of the church, currently serving in parish ministry within the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, a place he has called home for the past fifteen years. He consistently engages dialogue and action with the wider community through creative outreach projects. Cycling, kayaking, writing, and driving fast cars are distractions in his life.Posts now on MinistryMatters
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Where are you from? Where are you going?
As I step into ever new undiscovered countries, I realize that my Rule of Life must reflect these tenets of God, of my love for God, and my love for others. Each time I encounter anew, I must reflect: How do I receive others, how do I take time with others? Continue reading
Do things ever really change?
In the moving of life, we wrestle with God born within us, and God raised from death. In these two mysteries which we believe are reality, we find ways to return, to move, breathe, and grow. Continue reading
Soul singing
Three weeks ago, I went with friends and strangers, on a pilgrimage to Iona. As I settled in on the island, and explored the community, the liturgy, and the space, I heard of the lore of the island. It is not unlike Newfoundland and Labrador, and surrounding isles. Continue reading
The limits of your love
Perhaps the summer has shown I can follow the path, I will walk with God and others, to the places that God would have me be. Continue reading
How different is it now when water and blood drop from headless corpses strung from colonnades built millennia ago? When refugees wash up drowned on our shores, or fall out of sealed four wheeled tombs? Continue reading
Living within the systems and spheres of operation
I believe that God, present in this world, informs many human beings in diverse ways. I do not hold on to notions that God only speaks through the Christian voice. I give thanks for the myriad operating systems and spheres in which people operate, that gives life to the reality that the divine is present and active in this world which we inhabit. Continue reading
Take, O Take Me As I Am
I believe we are called to live and respond as spiritual people in this world, and for me that means living my life according to the baptismal promises. This at times requires me to respond as a mirror, and reflect the faith of the church community back to the world. Other times this requires me to respond as a window, so that others can see through me, the presence of Jesus. Continue reading
Locked in fear
The blessing of the Easter message is returning to me. Returning to the resurrection, receiving God’s peace, being present in the reality of the world’s experience, is where I should be. There I will unlock my doors, there Christ will encounter me. Continue reading
Into the unknown
Into this unknown I travel, be it foggy or clear, always with the presence of God. Into this unknown we travel as the community of faith in Jesus. Continue reading