Author Archives: David Burrows

About David Burrows
David Burrows is a priest of the church, currently serving in parish ministry within the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, a place he has called home for the past fifteen years. He consistently engages dialogue and action with the wider community through creative outreach projects. Cycling, kayaking, writing, and driving fast cars are distractions in his life.Frosty morn and slushy mess
Life and ministry this week have seemed to have come to a grinding halt in so many ways. Amid the changes and challenges of winter weather, amid the ups and downs of the changing of liturgical seasons, I have said goodbye to a dear friend, whom many of you would have read about in a previous post. Continue reading
The kissing slice
In Newfoundland there is a tradition of bread-making which creates delicious loaves with three buns… The kissing slice is the slice that is the join between two buns. It is smaller than some of the other slices, but it has more butter on the top. Continue reading
Remembrance and Homecoming
I have been told by many people numerous times and in different ways over the years, that when you return to something, it is never ever the same. This particular sojourn was no different. Continue reading
Damnatio memoriae
The events in Ottawa last week still resonate with many across this country. In the public, political, social, and religious spheres, there is much conversation, as many work through the shock and reality of the death of a soldier and gunman in our nation’s capital. Continue reading
A song of peace?
How do we live a Kingdom life when faced with evil, harm, and destruction? How do we support the indiscriminate killing of persons on foreign soil without diplomacy? How do we turn the other cheek when persons walk up to shoot or run down innocent persons? Continue reading
Autumn solitude
In the beauty of this autumn I am reminded of the failings and accomplishments that have surrounded me in ministry this year. I ask that God walk with me as I was accompanied each day on the tundra, providing a song or psalm in thanksgiving for God’s presence. Continue reading
Turning forward, looking back
I find it valuable to consider the ups and downs of life and ministry in relation to journalling. So often as a human being, I am tempted to react to the moment – the point in time, where I may experience joy or hurt, and have that shape my day and my response. Continue reading
Ne me quitte pas
What? ‘surrounded by great passion’ you say? I suppose for those that believe passion is all about love and relationships and sex and all that, then perhaps I’m off the mark. When I speak of passion I hold on to words such as suffering, angst, ordeal, challenge. Continue reading
Pondering God’s presence
What are your touch-points to reach God? How do you settle your heart amid joy and grief? How does God encounter you and open you up over the years? Continue reading
The sum of all our endings
Having our two vehicles cross the finish line is the conclusion of our participation in Targa NL 2014, yet it is by no means the end of our journey. Continue reading