Author Archives: Gregor Sneddon
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About Gregor Sneddon
Gregor Sneddon is a Presbyter in the Diocese of Ottawa and the Rector of St Matthew’s, Ottawa. He received an MA from the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies and is the founding Coordinator for Contemplative Outreach of Eastern Ontario. Gregor is a council member of the Associated Parishes for Liturgy and Mission and serves on the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation. He is a husband, a dad, and enjoys being in the woods, a good dinner party and swinging the blues.Reward and punishment
It is easy to thank God for our blessings. But what about all those people who don’t have those blessings? Does God love them any less? Or worse, do they somehow deserve the rotten end of the stick they got? Am I blessed with rewards or privileges while God takes them away from others? Continue reading
The discovery of our less than holy motivations and desires become transformative teaching moments. How many of my choices and actions are motivated by an unchecked need for power, affection or security? Continue reading
The Kingdom, the power, and the glory
The Lenten Journey is a path that leads to the deepest parts of ourselves—it addresses us at our most naked places, our deepest motivations and desires, for this is where true healing takes place. Continue reading
Change us into his likeness
Lent is about journeying into the miraculous freedom of Easter. Fasting and abstinence are not intended to be self improvement plans, like losing 10 pounds for summer swim wear, or to be rewarded for our heroic ascetic achievement. Continue reading
A frowning friend
Jesus is the most terrifying of friends. Continue reading
Fulfilled in your hearing
The penultimate is the stage just preceding the last or final. It is a preparation and exists on behalf of the ultimate. The sufferings we face, the ordeal, the cross, sin itself belongs to the chronology of linear time and is in preparation for fulfillment. Continue reading
My hour has not yet come: future creates present
Does cause precede effect? Not necessarily, when Jesus gets involved. We are who we will be. The future is creating the present if we yield to the call of true life. Continue reading
The Baptism of the Lord
The Baptism of the Lord reveals to us the narrative of the beginning of the call of Jesus, and the triune presence and also reveals what baptism is for us. Continue reading
Flesh made Word
The future of the cosmos the fulfillment of life itself, rests in our hands. It is up to us, fragile, human beings, made in His image and given the extraordinarily dangerous gift of freewill. Continue reading