Author Archives: Leanne Alstad Tiessen

About Leanne Alstad Tiessen
I live with my family in Edmonton Alberta. I am deeply interested in exploring what it means to live faithfully, deliberately and responsibly as a North American Christian and passing these concerns on to my two daughters. In the midst of parenting, working, and all the usual household tasks and activities I try to fit in time for movies, reading, thrift store shopping and connecting with good friends. My family worships at St. John the Evangelist where my husband is the associate priest.Everyday Intentions
I like to think of myself as an intentional parent. My husband and I have sought to cultivate in our kids an awareness of larger issues in our culture and we have tried to talk about and act in accordance with the concerns that we see. Our hope is that our kids will approach life in a more nuanced way, that they will be Christians who question the status quo, who will be compassionate to those who struggle, and feel a sense of responsibility to contribute towards alleviating these issues. Continue reading
The Eucharist has become a kind of anchor for me—a reaffirmation of what my faith ‘boils down to’. Continue reading
As we enter this season of Lent my prayer is that we will take seriously the opportunity to look inside ourselves and allow God to use this time to prepare us well for Easter – to look with joy towards celebrating God’s redemption through Christ’s death and resurrection. Continue reading
It’s the most wonderful time of the year . . . sort of. Like many parents I’m sure, I find Christmas to be a bit of a mixed bag. Continue reading
What does the word extraordinary mean to me? More specifically, as a Christian, what would it look like to raise extraordinary children? Continue reading
Living Thankfully
I’ve been thinking about the movie The Hobbit lately. Our family rewatched it a couple weeks ago and despite some significant departures from the book we all found it enjoyable. There is a part in it that especially stands out … Continue reading
Osmosis (Summer Camp)
Perhaps it’s my reluctance to let go of summer but I’ve been thinking a lot about camp these days and how it has been an important part of our family’s life. Continue reading
Happy New Year!
September. The time of new beginnings, a new season, a new school year. While the calendar tells me that January 1 is when the new year officially begins, and the church year begins with Advent, I find that for all intents and purposes, it is September that feels more like a ‘new year’. Continue reading