Author Archives: Montreal Mission Interns

About Montreal Mission Interns
The Montreal Mission Internship aims to help young adults between the ages of 18 and 26 discern their vocation to a life of service and ministry in God's world. Sponsored by the Montreal Diocesan Theological College and the Anglican Diocese of Montreal, the paid urban mission internship sends young adults into the city to work in the service of others as participants in God’s mission. Possible project areas can include the environment, community gardens, children or youth, interfaith or intercultural dialogue, homelessness, and the arts.Mission as listening and waiting
I believe the church has more to offer young people who have aged out of foster care and I hope to see more bridges built between the two communities in my lifetime. And I would also like to see a church responding by being ready to receive young people regardless of their backgrounds, waiting patiently for them to find a place in the church, and most importantly, listening to them. Continue reading
Montreal intern reflection: Amos Bohoussou
My mission project was to incorporate humour into sharing the gospel with people. I did stand-up routines in comedy clubs and my local church, and also hosted a night of dialogue on with religious and non-religious people on the humour of God. Continue reading
Montreal intern reflection: Ben Stuchbery
The three aspects of my internship this summer have been guided by an understanding of mission that seeks primarily to uphold the sanctity of human life. It is the thread that holds them together. The three aspects are as follows: fair trade, French bible study, and pastoral care. Continue reading
Montreal intern reflection: Nick Oligny
I was nervous starting this internship. I have no religious background and minimal knowledge of scripture. In academia or the workforce, I had a losing hand. But the welcome I received from the Montreal Mission Internship leaders and participants was unwaveringly warm and patient. I felt like a welcome guest. Continue reading
Montreal intern reflection: Jaime Grennan
My summer’s mission project has been completed, but my mission has only just begun. Continue reading