Author Archives: Peter Misiaszek

About Peter Misiaszek
Peter Misiaszek, CFRE is the Director of Stewardship Development for the Anglican Diocese of Toronto. He is responsible for parish stewardship education, annual giving, legacies of faith, The Bishop’s Company of Toronto and oversight of The Anglican Diocese of Toronto Foundation. His department has produced numerous parish-based resources in support of stewardship education including: “The Narrative Budget – Writing Your Parish’s Sacred Story” and “A Program to Encourage Joyful Giving in Your Parish.” In 2010, the Diocese of Toronto launched a diocesan-wide major fundraising campaign toward a goal of $50,000,000 – the largest ever fundraising effort in the history of the Anglican Church of Canada. He and his wife Ginette live in Whitby, Ontario with their three young children. He is a member of Christ Memorial Anglican Church in Oshawa.Has passing the plate run its course?
Somewhere along the line, we have reduced the totality of our giftedness to money. Has the offering plate run its course? Continue reading
How will Millennials change the way we give?
How do we respond to the change that Millennials are bringing to the church? They are children of the information age: shunning chequing accounts for e-transfers, accessing for instant clarification rather than reading through reams of documents in an encyclopedia and touching base with friends via text and Instagram while avoiding telephone land-lines altogether. Continue reading
Demographic change isn’t coming. It’s here!
Canada has reached a milestone. For the first time in its nearly 150 year history, the number of seniors is greater than the number of children. Continue reading
Speaking with newcomers about money
The topic of money or financial stewardship in the church has long been one that raises a sense of fear and trepidation with leaders. How can we raise a thorny issue without appearing to be money grubbing or even worse, turn them off going to church altogether? Continue reading
Make giving regular, reliable and real
I have a confession to make; I’m not a tither. After you get over the shock that the Director of Stewardship Development for the diocese of Toronto does not set aside ten percent of his gross or net income for the ministry of the church, let me qualify my statement. Continue reading
Generosity 101
The vast majority of newcomers to our churches have never had any contact with us. The concept of Christian stewardship is entirely remote from their life experience. To help with the orientation, I’d like to reflect on perhaps the most frequent question I hear: “why should I give?” Continue reading
Ten really good reasons to give
If we were to turn this mindset of scarcity on its head, we would encounter all kinds of reasons why people should give—and give up front, before everything else takes priority. As a stewardship educator, I am convinced that people want to give. Continue reading
What if we all gave?
If we all gave, clergy and wardens would breathe a sigh of relief and everyday worries for parishes would become a thing of the past. Most importantly, it would indicate that the profound message of generosity that is told many times over in the bible was being emulated and fully lived. If we all gave, we would be a much stronger faith community. Continue reading
Inviting Newcomers to Give
Newcomers seek meaningful worship, relevant preaching, engaging fellowship and answers to life’s important questions. When we respond to their longing for a deeper understanding of discipleship, let us not forget to invite them to support the very ministry that they seek to engage. Continue reading
People Need to be Asked
As stewardship educators, we hear this question often: “What is the fastest way to increase the parish offertory?” From the evidence of those on the front lines, the quickest way to uptick financial stewardship is to ask for a gift. Continue reading