Volkmann! Bienvenue! Baruch Haba! Tunngasugit! Tawâw!
Every language and culture across the globe has a form and method of greeting and welcoming people. Businesses have followed the same form and developed their own method of greeting, too – ever notice the Walmart greeters? Some stores have policies that a staff member must greet every customer within 10ft of the entrance.
Churches have a unique method for welcoming people as well. I’ve noticed across the country that there are a variety of methods. Often in twos (we love our Biblical numbering), handing out bulletins or announcement sheets; some hand you a stack of books and papers as you enter; others have created a ‘welcome centre’ that has pamphlets and brochures for every program/group/social event and outreach the church is part of; the other extreme has a small table with some bulletins on it.
Those first 10ft into a church can have a huge impact on a person’s experience and participation in worship.
I’d like to talk about the art of ‘welcoming’ for a bit. To help me, what style, format or method does your church use for welcoming? I’m hoping that from your submissions, we can share some ideas and see if we can really live up to the promise on the sign that hangs outside most of our buildings.

Your own version is available for purchase through AF Canada – http://tinyurl.com/AC-Sign
By Kyle Norman September 25, 2014 - 1:13 pm
I’m glad that this topic is coming up. I wrote a bit about it a while back about an experience I had at walmart. (https://thecommunity.anglican.ca/pop-culture-piety/4311/greeters-or-gatekeepers/) I think sometimes we need to have refresher on Welcoming. looking forward to this.
By Elin Goulden September 25, 2014 - 2:18 pm
Hopefully not like this (explicitly or implicitly):