Everyday Christianity
If worship is an act of religious devotion in response to God, then the opportunity to worship exists far beyond the walls of our church buildings. The very way we live our lives is worship. How does that inform the choices we make? How do we respond to God’s grace in our daily lives?
“Let my prayer be set forth in your sight as incense”
May we all have a peaceful, prayerful, and meaningful Holy Week; may we all journey forward upheld in prayer. Continue reading
Flin Flon
Many of our congregations have been named after saints, but do we know who these people are in the life of the church, and why they were chosen to represent the congregation at the time of its foundation? Continue reading
While a retreat may not be productive in the traditional sense, it is a beneficial time to re-focus, re-energise, and re-charge. It is a time to celebrate being instead of doing. Continue reading
Pray for me
When asked to pray, I do: at home with candle lighted, in hospitals, in prisons, in pews, in the produce section of the grocery store. A recent circumstance had me asking for prayers, and it renewed my appreciation of – and intentionality towards – what it means when I am asked to pray for others. Continue reading
There are many bingo challenges that we participate in: books, cooking, crafts, event ice breakers. The gist is the same: try something new, try different ways of expression. Imagine if we were to try new things in out faith nurture the same way we’re willing to try new things in a bingo. Continue reading
Hello Sweetie!
In a culture where people want to avoid conformity at any cost, how does the church respond? We claim to be a church that delights in “unity in diversity,” yet sometimes when we come together it can seem that we are expecting sameness. Perhaps, despite all our differences, we all just want to be welcomed. Continue reading
“Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”
This sentence, heard during the imposition of ashes, invites us to think of the past and the future, and to live fully in this moment. It’s this moment in which I can decide how to live, how to respond to the gifts of this life, how to engage with those around me. It’s this moment when I can choose to celebrate grace coursing through the world, or choose to ignore it. It’s this moment in which I can do something good. Continue reading
I’d like to imagine a church community where common worship was their priority. Where God outranked sports or sleeping in. I’m not entirely sure what that church would look like; I’m not sure the world has ever experienced a group of people who all had that level of commitment and priority. But I’d still like to imagine it. Continue reading
Paul’s Little Pigs?
The lesson from Paul’s letter to the Church in Corinth (1 Cor 3) can be compared to the lesson from the Three Little Pigs fairy tale – but is this a fair comparison? Continue reading
“But who do YOU say that I am?”
Identity is important. Self-identity is also important. How we see ourselves is just as important as how others see us. Continue reading