Author Archives: Kyle Norman

About Kyle Norman
I am a Priest in the Diocese of Calgary, serving the wonderful people of Holy Cross, Calgary. I watch reality television, I drink Starbucks coffee, and I read celebrity gossip columns. I am also a magician and often use magic tricks to teach the children at church the lessons of the Bible. I believe that God is present in the intricacy of our lives, and thus I believe that Pop Culture can provide intriguing lessons, examples, and challenges for our lives of faith. Connect with Kyle on Google+How do you sleep?
Biblical sleep is the laying down of our whole selves—body, mind, and spirit—in the presence of God, trusting that God will guard and keep us. Continue reading
Teeter-totter kingdom
We live out forgiveness: expressing it to others, as much as we live in forgiveness, receiving it from our Lord. We simply cannot live in the Kingdom of God without it. Continue reading
The dark night of the church?
Can the church itself experience its own dark night of the soul? What if the state of the church isn’t defined by a sense of ‘absence’ but of a deep, deep work of grace? Continue reading
A technology free day?
When we think about a technology free day, we may automatically start thinking “well, it can’t be on Sunday because that’s when I watch Big Brother Canada!” Yet this very response proves why taking such a day is so important. Continue reading
Lenten learnings
Isn’t Lent a time of reflection, of self-examination, and prayer? Shouldn’t we arrive at the other end with some direction or thoughts about the big stuff of our lives? Continue reading
Fairytale determinism
Are our lives, like those of fairy-tale characters, pre-determined? Do we take Paul’s statement about predestination in Ephesians chapter 1 as amounting to nothing more than a fait accompli? How do we Read the Bible as living and active text for our lives? Continue reading
The peace of Christ and awkward hugs
Has individualism subtly entered into the life of the church—primarily through the ‘Passing of the Peace’? When we hug those who do not want to be hugged—or assume that everyone in the church must be comfortable with hugs because that is what we do—are we asserting an individualism that essentially denies the other person a life beyond our wishes? Continue reading
Choosing simple: part 2
When I first started to think about the discipline of Simplicity, I decided to see what our good friend ‘Google’ had to say about it. It made it sound as if simplicity was nothing more that a matter of deciding what to do with the stuff we have. It also seemed very consumption based. Continue reading
Choosing simple
“You city folk are all the same. You spend 50 weeks tying knots in your rope and then think two weeks up here will untangle them for you. None of you get it. Do you know what the secret of life is?” Continue reading
Avoiding Lenten loopholes
I was a little unprepared for the amount of shock people had when they learned that part of my Lenten devotion entailed giving up coffee. People seemed generally surprised that I would make this decision. Some saw it as akin to pigs flying and hell freezing over. Continue reading