Author Archives: Andrew Stephens-Rennie

About Andrew Stephens-Rennie
Andrew is an Anglican lay leader who loves pioneering responsive, contextual solutions to the challenge of being church in the 21st Century. He serves as an assistant to the rector for Evangelism and Christian Formation at Christ Church Cathedral Vancouver and is a founding member of the emerging St. Brigids community ( Games Discussion Resources
For those of us involved in youth ministry, or ministry of any sort, we’re often looking for resources that can help us to connect the dots between faith and real life. Or, in this case, faith and a particular cultural product … Continue reading
Church Isn’t
What is the church? Check out this video from a youth group in Southwestern Ontario asking what church is, and what it isn’t.
Invisible Children, Joseph Kony and Complexity :: Part 3
Rattling around in my brain last night were words from the second chapter of St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians: Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind … Continue reading
Invisible Children, Joseph Kony and Complexity :: Part 2
Yesterday, almost as soon as I hit ‘publish’ on my previous post, I had the sense that I would need to write a follow-up. The thing is, I know that it’s really easy to rail against a group or an organisation, … Continue reading
Invisible Children, Joseph Kony & Complexity
Many of you have probably heard the hype by now. I’ve seen links to the cleverly marketed Kony 2012 video come through my feed from multiple unrelated sources. It’s come from men and women, young and old, and mostly white. … Continue reading
Old Enough to Know
Recently over at The Community – the Anglican Church of Canada’s online forum for meeting and talk about life in the church – one of the members posted a question: What are your thoughts on a young person’s spiritual growth as it … Continue reading
CLAY 2012 on Facebook
Want to find out more about what’s happening with CLAY 2012? Want to invite your young people to share stories from previous gatherings, or to build excitement towards our gathering this fall? CLAY 2012 is now on facebook. Come on … Continue reading
Luther Seminary Confirmation Discussion
Our friends over at Luther Seminary have posted a panel discussion on the confirmation process. Head on over to to watch the video. You’ll also want to poke around their website to find all kinds of resources on faith … Continue reading
The Heart of Mission
Why does a film like Crash get hold of our hearts and minds, and move us in ways that a textbook on racism never could? How is it that a week-long camp experience sends young people home with a deeper desire … Continue reading
Reclaiming Confirmation
by Phil Colvin Phil is Diocesan Youth Coordinator for the Anglican Diocese of New Westminster. Having been involved with the preparation of candidates for confirmation for several years now, I’ve been to quite a few services of confirmation. And each time it’s … Continue reading