Author Archives: Gregor Sneddon

About Gregor Sneddon
Gregor Sneddon is a Presbyter in the Diocese of Ottawa and the Rector of St Matthew’s, Ottawa. He received an MA from the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies and is the founding Coordinator for Contemplative Outreach of Eastern Ontario. Gregor is a council member of the Associated Parishes for Liturgy and Mission and serves on the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation. He is a husband, a dad, and enjoys being in the woods, a good dinner party and swinging the blues.Fact or fiction?
John Shelby Spong, in reflecting on Luke’s account of the Ascension, makes the observation that “…rising from this earth into the sky does not result in achieving heaven. It might only result in achieving orbit. The image of Jesus in eternal orbit with white tunic flying in the breeze does nothing for my spiritual understanding and trivializes the deeper meaning of the biblical story.” I must admit, the image is rather funny. Continue reading
Water and blood: the end of religion
The spear in Jesus’ side, this comingled blood and water, represents the blood of God, the life force of God, comingled with the water of creation – flowing out His side, like the temple wall just off in the background. What a connection: Jesus IS the new temple, the old has passed away, animal sacrifice is no more, as Jesus, God, has become the Paschal Lamb – earth and heaven are re-united. Continue reading
Sex: it’s a man’s world
Is it any wonder that women did not have the right to vote in provincial elections as late as 1942 in Canada? Is it shocking that women are paid less than men? Is it baffling to see extreme violence towards women across the world? It has always been about sex. Well, all about sex and men. Continue reading
No Creed. No scriptures. No Church?
I don’t abandon the rules of sailing when I get into a sailboat. They are there to serve me as I navigate and harness the untamable powers of nature. Can we not say “no creeds means no scriptures, no Church?” Continue reading
Don’t hold your breath
After the great 3 days, it is easy to slide back, to forget, or become disillusioned. The familiarity of the old ropes, the creaky boat, the familiar patterns and relationships—“I’m going fishing.” Continue reading
Holy doubting
Doubt is not contrary to faith; it may well be the precondition for it. Continue reading
“Let this cup pass from me”
In the wake of recent terrorist attacks in Brussels, France and Turkey, in the face of those who betray us, the shocking invitation to share His cup becomes all the more unfathomable. Surely, it is natural to desire self-preservation, perhaps even to strike at those who would strike us first. Continue reading
A whole lot of hoopala
Don’t we love proof-texting our position? Hey, I’m willing to follow, but as long as it is according to my liberated understanding and doesn’t ask me to let go of my precious beliefs, aspirations, and righteousness. He’s on my side anyway. Continue reading
Lets get wasted
Jesus condones the behavior of the wasteful love and devotion shown to him while suggesting “you always have the poor with you.” It would be preposterous to suggest Jesus did not care about the poor, but I think he is inviting us to a deeper reality, a deeper understanding. To say “may thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” is not about our righteous and pious acts, but about God’s holy acts performed through us. Continue reading
The “O” word
Obedience is the straight path, the road to freeing the imprisoned will from the Pharaoh of ME. Trying times for our Church, but luckily for us, the one we are called to be obedient to has given up everything to welcome you home, your hope, your dream, his yoke is easy and his burden light, and his welcome does not exclude anyone, not even me. Continue reading