Congregational Development
How can we encourage and equip the development of vibrant, faithful, sustainable congregations today? This section addresses considerations for fostering communities of faith in which God’s presence and purposes, promises and activity become central to listening, conversation, decision-making and action.

Jay Koyle
Jay Koyle is staking his ministry, even his life, on the conviction that Christians thrive when they allow their lives today to be shaped by God’s promised tomorrow.
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Father Ron Smith on The church as Emmaus presenceSpot on, Father! As Jesus was recognised by the two disciples – not by his physical appearance, but by his…
John Cathcart on The church as Emmaus presenceThank you for this. Very insightful and inspired. Particularly like the connection between bread as thr body of Christ and…
Kyn Barker on The church as Emmaus presenceMy sermon for Sunday was coming together pretty well but seemed to be missing something, which was just hidden…(where to…
Tracie on “Lent” as metaphor & model for the church todayThank you, Jay, for an insightful and timely message. The congregation I walk with was deep in this wilderness time…
susanna suchak on “Lent” as metaphor & model for the church todayI hung on your every word because it so resonates with where I am in my walk right now. Something within…
John Campbell on “Lent” as metaphor & model for the church todayJay – thanks for this very interesting reflection – lots there to think about. As a member of a congregation…
Peter Davison on “Lent” as metaphor & model for the church todayThanks for this, Jay. I agree with Donald that 40 also refers to pregnancy – a time of waiting and…
Mark K. on “Lent” as metaphor & model for the church todayThanks Jay for this reflection. I find it relevant personally on my own journey of discernment as well as corporately…
Donald on “Lent” as metaphor & model for the church todayJay, I think you’ll enjoy the catalog of 40’s in the Bible that this decidedly literalist blogger gathered- ….
Charlie on Towards a Strangely Compelling ChurchAFRA ! re: your Sept 26 question. I’ve – finally – remembered the 3 a.m.’Eureka’! moment which I had and…