Author Archives: Jay Koyle

About Jay Koyle
The Rev. Dr. Jay Koyle has a long and fruitful history of fostering congregational vitality and growth in the life of the church. After many years’ experience as both a parish pastor and a professor on a Faculty of Theology, Jay now serves as Congregational Development Officer for the Diocese of Algoma. His doctoral thesis addressed the relationship between preaching and the missional revitalization of congregations in the 21st Century. Jay also serves as Chair of Faith, Worship, and Ministry for the Anglican Church of Canada, and Director of Table Song: Eighth Day Perspectives. In both Canada and the United States, he has been acclaimed as an inspirational speaker who brings a terrific sense of humour and an uplifting Christian message. He has been a contributor to a number of journals and a recent book published by Augsburg Fortress.The church as Emmaus presence
Augustine’s proclamation continues to echo a crucial insight into our own time and context: the body of Christ is not only on the table; it is also around the table. Continue reading
“Lent” as metaphor & model for the church today
We live in a time when most congregations and denominations find themselves well into their “forty days.” That is to say, we are in that vulnerable place where hunger is sharpest, resources all but spent, vision blurred and identity in doubt. We feel a growing desperation. So there is an important choice before us, one we need to address before and during any attempts at so-called congregational development. Continue reading
Towards a Strangely Compelling Church
If our congregations are to become more attractive in any meaningful way, it will require more than some sort of ecclesial cosmetic makeover. Rather, what is called for is a renewed way of being church… Continue reading
Cultivating Hope
God gave birth to the New Creation and inaugurated the fulfillment of all things in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Since the first days of the church, Christians allowing this living hope to shape their perspectives, priorities and practices have realized renewed vision and vitality in their life together, even in the most trying of circumstances. Continue reading