There are some signs that we see and hear and feel that make us know that Christmas has come.
For me, a significant one is seeing what the luminary candles look like, lining the steps to the main doors–welcoming those who arrive and proclaiming to those who pass the good news of the true light coming into the world, and not being overcome by the darkness.
For my fellow priest at this parish, it’s as we kneel and sing “Silent Night,” holding our tapers, at the end of the late service.
What is it for you? What sign helps you know that Christmas is come, that Jesus is born, and that God is indeed with us?
By Lance December 26, 2012 - 2:17 pm
Good question to discuss.
For me, when The First Sunday in Advent is about to arrive, ‘something’ hits me and says that I gotta really start tidying up my apartment; pretty well everything done by The Fourth Sunday. Music and lights in and around home really bring it on.
HOWEVER, my concern is not really about KNOWING IT’S CHRISTMAS. My struggle is trying to help others in the world around me KNOW that the celebrating does go on beyond the 25th. I feel it is the responsibility of Believers to find a way to help stop this emotional ‘ boom & bust ‘ Christmas mentality- – – which leaves SO MANY people with an emotional deflation/ a state of depression. (Suicide rates rise in January.) The Believers’ message is to offer hope for such individuals. Perhaps, as a starter, the church bells will have to ring, the organs will have thunder and the choirs sing those carols, somewhat longer and unashamedly – beyond Christmas Morning. I, personally, don’t have the answer; surely, there’s others out there who could get moving on this. My personal party will go on well into January,2013. MERRY CHRISTMAS ! ! ! L+
By Jesse Dymond January 3, 2013 - 7:19 pm
I hear you, @Lance_Lyons, and I wonder if you’re on to something. There’s a lot of talk about “liturgical police” who remind everyone it’s still Advent in the midsts of lights and carols… but maybe celebrating Christmas for the entirety of the season is something we should give some more energy to. Perhaps making some effort to making the first week after Christmas part of our continued celebration, rather than another “low Sunday.” I know you’re talking more long term than I am, but maybe Christmas 1 and Epiphany are a start?