Author Archives: Brian Bukowski

About Brian Bukowski
I am web manager at the Anglican Church of Canada, and have been involved in developing web sites since falling upon Mosaic beta .9 in a University of Saskatchewan computer lab nearly 20 years ago. I am passionate about communicating online with the right tools to the right audience.Google Ad Grants—a great opportunity for parishes to get noticed!
Google has started to offer CRA registered non-profits—including churches—$10,000 in Google AdWord advertising per month, for free. Find out how your parish can take advantage! Continue reading
An interesting parish marketing resource
Have a read, and tell me: What do you think? Does it fit into your parish experience? How are you advertising for prospective members? Continue reading
From the web: 8 Things the Churches Could Learn From the collapse of HMV
An article came across my desk this morning which has been passing around my friends on Facebook, and I think it is interesting enough to share. Continue reading
Quick link: Five principles of Church website design
Why the why matters most when it comes to your parish website. Continue reading
Effective email distribution
In today’s world of Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, it is sometimes hard to remember what the first Killer App of the internet was email. And for most of us, it still is. Continue reading
Technology to further Mission
I hope together we can explore how the many aspects of technology: church PCs, software, websites, and social media to name a few, can help facilitate common mission. Continue reading