Author Archives: Glen Mitchell

About Glen Mitchell
Glen is the Director of Stewardship & Gift Development in the Diocese of New Westminster. He is a member of St. Mary's Kerrisdale Anglican Church. He leads a group at St. Mary's who care deeply about human rights and development issues in El Salvador. Glen is a member of the General Synod "Resources for Mission" Committee.Telling the Parish Story Through Narrative Budgeting
If you haven’t already started, it is time to be preparing your narrative (vision) budget for 2014. What’s that you say? The narrative budget is one that focusses on “what” you do – not “how” you do it. Continue reading
Ultimate Stewardship
Legacy gifts are the ultimate form of stewardship of our resources. Many people leave a portion of their estate through a bequest in their will. Typically it will be a percentage, a specific amount or the residue of their estate. Its use is often general in nature but sometimes people want to specify what their legacy gift will support. Continue reading
Step 1: Roll up Sleeves; Step 2: Implement a Mark of Mission
Recent conversations I’ve had with some Anglicans worry me. Why? It is not because I hear them promoting “me” over “we” nor it because they are losing their commitment to the church. The thing that worries me is that their meaning of “church” and mine seem to be drawing farther apart. Continue reading
Scarcity and Abundance
At the 2012 Diocesan Synod in the Diocese of New Westminster, our episcopal visitor, The Right Rev. Bishop Greg Rickel of the Diocese of Olympia gave a TED-style talk about money and stewardship. Continue reading
Preparing to Witness
Margaret Thatcher, who died this week, once said that she was nervous every time she gave a speech, especially in the House of Commons. According to a 2001 Gallup Poll, she shares that anxiety with 40% of the population as public speaking is the #2 among Top Ten Fears polled. What are some steps those who agree to witness on stewardship topics can take to reduce the apparent stress public speaking causes? Continue reading
Our God is so abundant – all we have comes from God
“There is a danger in talking about stewardship – we have so much to unlearn. All too often the mention of stewardship is a prelude to a budget presentation – a deficit – a campaign for pledges.” Continue reading
Growing Good Stewards
Welcome to Growing Good Stewards – a place for conversing, learning, networking and imagining the future among Anglicans and friends who strive to be Good Stewards. Continue reading