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Tag Archives: message

God bless the misfits

God bless the misfits—from the Bible and from our streets—for sometimes they bring us the good news. Continue reading

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Christian communications

We are always portraying a message, we are always sharing some form of story. It’s difficult, but as Christians we are called to a higher standard; one where we are intentionally careful and Christian in what we show the world. Continue reading

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“Why wouldn’t you get a proper phone?” my observer asks, inevitably now with an edge of irritation to her voice rather than just mockery. This inefficiency seems, to any sensible modern-day person, unneccessary. I shrug. “I like to keep it real,” is my non-response. Continue reading

Posted in Only One Thing | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

The Lord in random places

If we fully believe that God is everywhere, then these random occurrences of our lives are never really ‘random.’ They are but the subtle workings of the one who is Lord in all situations and in all places. Continue reading

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The signs of our Church

Critically engaging in these signs may seem a little nitpicky, but shouldn’t it concern us if there is a basic misrepresentation of the Gospel?
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What game will you play?

Do you remember the classic childhood game ‘Telephone’? You know the one. It stars one speaker, a message, and a room full of eager recipients. One by one the message is transmitted down the line where it emerges at the end confused and distorted. Continue reading

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Sharing The News

There is always news that we want share, and so we always find ways to share it. So with all this news flying about in various fora, how do we share the Good News? How do we live out the Gospel message? Continue reading

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