Author Archives: Martha Tatarnic

About Martha Tatarnic
The Reverend Martha Tatarnic serves as the rector of St. George’s Anglican Church in St. Catharines. Previously, she has served in congregations in Orillia and Oakville. Her focus in congregational leadership has been in empowering justice initiatives and outreach in the small church, starting a new service, the possibilities and potentials of Anglican-Lutheran partnership, and forming disciples through the power of music. As a young mother navigating family life through the continually changing waters of modern-day life, she is passionate about connecting the dots between faith – worship - Scripture, and exploring the concerns, joys, questions, stresses, worries, celebrations, of Right Here, Right Now.Posts now on MinistryMatters
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The bishop ballot
There is a saying that God has a million Plan As – so choose Plan A. Continue reading
A sidewalk birth
Just as the 911 dispatcher was saying those words nobody ever wants to hear (“I am now going to walk you through how to deliver this baby”), my phone froze, cutting off any further guidance that could have been offered. […] It took a few hours (maybe a few days) for my heart to stop racing and to realize that I had indeed been part of a miracle. Continue reading
Beyond the gossip and glitter: What Katy Perry and Jesus teach us about performing and keeping it real
I am a far cry from celebrity or Saviour, yet I also face the possibility of having my life reduced to mere performance. Continue reading
Lessons in humility from the bike saddle
God reveals and promises the possibility of extraordinary change: replacing our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh, transforming our instinct for self-preservation with an instinct instead for God’s love. Continue reading
Lord, don’t give me strength
In juggling a life full of responsibilities, as in facing illness, the only way out of the circles is in realizing that being stronger isn’t going to get me through. I need to figure out the hope inherent in being weak. Continue reading
Puppies, anniversaries, and the thread of life
“To everything there is a season,” goes the well-worn wisdom of Scripture, “and a time and a purpose for everything under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) These words ring as comforting and true in the liminal times, when we are crossing a threshold from one part of our lives to an obviously different part. Continue reading
When in Rome
Travel is a recurring theme in the holy stories of our tradition. Jesus intuitively understood that the ministry to which God was calling him required that he give up the comfort and security of a home base to live as a nomadic teacher. Continue reading
Not here to have fun
The more I say the words, “I’m not here to have fun,” the freer I feel. Continue reading