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Tag Archives: facebook

If you wouldn’t put it on a shirt…

Do we think about the ramifications of what we post on line? How much do we ‘own’ the images we post, or the words that we say? As parents, are we being thoughtful and responsible about what we chose to post on-line? Continue reading

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Doubt: God’s way of disclosing a secret

Nesting within a religion can provide a secure foothold and the firm hand of authority along the journey; yet, ultimately, the seeker must always be prepared to move on. Continue reading

Posted in My Faith in Your Faith | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Social Media Sunday: October 25, 2015

Social Media Sunday. It’s a thing. Or at least it could be, this June, in your parish. Continue reading

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The Social Media Gospel

“I probably know what you’re thinking,” writes Lutheran pastor @Rev_David, in the introduction to Meredith Gould’s new book, The Social Media Gospel, “…I don’t have time for this.” Continue reading

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Digital Faithfulness

Now, some may see that faithful online presence necessitates the endless quoting of Bible verses and praise-songs. But is that solely what it means to have a Christian presence online? Is our Christian presence simply limited to the times where we post some religious shtick? Continue reading

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Some chewier reflections on new media

Several people I know have waved their arms excitedly about the New Media Project and I’d like to commend it to you as well. Founded in 2010 and based at the Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, the New Media Project aims to “[help] religious leaders become theologically savvy about technology.” Continue reading

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An interesting parish marketing resource

Have a read, and tell me: What do you think? Does it fit into your parish experience? How are you advertising for prospective members? Continue reading

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Against Annoying Facebook Puzzles.

Whenever we point attention to someone’s inabilities or mistakes in an air of arrogant mockery, we essentially strip them of their identity as a child of God. We declare that they are less than we are. Continue reading

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From the web: 8 Things the Churches Could Learn From the collapse of HMV

An article came across my desk this morning which has been passing around my friends on Facebook, and I think it is interesting enough to share. Continue reading

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Toward Twitter-Church

What does it mean to be liturgical in 2013? Are our congregations wishing for a deeper level of participation and involvement in the unfolding of our worship? Continue reading

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