The limits of your love | The Community
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The limits of your love

Summer 2015 1

It seems as if in an instant, all life of rest and reflection has gone. It is September, in all its fullness. The winds are changing, the skies reflect the coming of autumn in our midst. In all this the busyness and chaos of September in the life of the baptized is in full swing. Welcome Back Sunday, ministry fairs, signing up for new adventures, new learning surround us on every side.

It seems that for those who refreshed, reflected and recreated in July and August, new schedules, new assignments, and increased chaos abounds. How can I live up to the promises and hopes I had for life this year post vacation? How can God infuse me with the will, the energy, the persistence to be present to this world? These are the questions I ponder, as I wonder how we move as the body of Christ.

The hopes and directions that I presumed would be of importance in June, are not the reality of the present conditions. Amid the holidaying and holydaying of summer, few recognized the needs that are present now.

Summer 2015 4Perhaps I should just go back to the dull routines of ministry and life. It seems so easy to continue what I have inherited. It is comfortable. It doesn’t make me squirm.
I can follow the lectionary, the pattern of pastoral visitation and ministry, and move on.

Yet in this space, I have opportunity to grow, to be exposed to the blessing of a faith community that reaches to the outer edges, the rims of humanity and existence, to bring Christ among those who need God’s love.

Summer 2015 3Who am I to want to stay in ruts, to not be pushed to the limits of God’s love? Who am I to suggest that we in parish and diocese, in home and workplace, should be routine?

I give thanks for opportunities of new learning, as I travel this month to Labrador, and to the Diocese of Niagara. During this time I will listen, I will hear the voice of the community of faith, I will hear the voice of God.

Summer 2015 5Perhaps I am not that removed from the space of summer. Perhaps I am not ignoring the heed to bring God’s love to the edge.

Perhaps the summer has shown I can follow the path, I will walk with God and others, to the places that God would have me be.

David Burrows

About David Burrows

David Burrows is a priest of the church, currently serving in parish ministry within the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador, a place he has called home for the past fifteen years. He consistently engages dialogue and action with the wider community through creative outreach projects. Cycling, kayaking, writing, and driving fast cars are distractions in his life.
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